The Lakeshore Road South Association has existed since 1974 as an informal organization. In 2017 an executive group was formed and volunteered to lead the Association through the next steps toward becoming a formal organization.
The purpose of the Association is to coordinate the care and maintenance of our private road. This includes drainage impacted by the road, signage, snow removal, risk management, and liability insurance. Regarding insurance, please note only members in good standing (annual dues have been paid) are protected by the Association's policy.
Members of the Association include all residents of Lakeshore Road South, numbers 184 - 240. A description of membership is summarized in the Bylaws.
The Association joined the Federation of Ontario Cottagers' Association (FOCA) in 2018 and has purchased road insurance. As a member of FOCA, all LRSA members are entitled to the benefits outlined on the FOCA website.
Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting is held in July or August, on a date set by the Executive Committee. Members are notified via email and the AGM agenda and materials are forwarded prior to the meeting. Agendas and minutes for each meeting are posted on the website.
Executive Meetings
Executive Meetings are held at the call of the President. Agendas and minutes are posted on the website after the meeting.
Current Executive Members
President: Evelyn Dean
Vice President: Bob Clement
Treasurer: Len Rhodes
Secretary: Ian Wilcox
Members at large: Joanne Clement
Brent Flanakin